
发布者: 发布时间:2018-07-02 浏览次数:349


[1]. Zhao, Yu, Rui Yao, Liliang Ouyang, Hongxu Ding, Ting Zhang, Kaitai Zhang, Shujun Cheng, and Wei Sun. "Three-dimensional printing of Hela cells for cervical tumor model in vitro." Biofabrication 6, no. 3 (2014): 035001.
[2]. Ouyang, Liliang, Rui Yao, Shuangshuang Mao, Xi Chen, Jie Na, and Wei Sun. "Three-dimensional bioprinting of embryonic stem cells directs highly uniform embryoid body formation." Biofabrication 7, no. 4 (2015): 044101.
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[6]. Hamid, Q., Wang, C., Snyder J., Williams, S., Liu, Y. and Sun, W., “Maskless Fabrication of Cell-laden Microfluidic Chips with localized Surface Functionalization for the Co-culture of Cancer Cells”, Biofabrication, 7 (2015) 015012. (细胞芯片打印)
[7]. Chang, R., Emami, K., Wu, H. and Sun, W., “Biofabrication of a Three-Dimensional Liver Micro-Organ as an In Vitro Drug Metabolism Model”, Biofabrication, 2010, Vol.2. (微肝组织药物模型)
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[16]. Mi, Shengli, Yi, Xiaomang, Du, Zhichang, Xu, Yuanyuan and Sun, Wei, “Construction of a liver sinusoid based on the laminar flow on chip and self-assembly of endothelial cells”, Biofabrication, 10(2), 2018, Doi: 025010
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[19]. Zhang, Ting, Zhang, Hefeng, Zhang Laquan, Jia, Shuaijun, Liu, Jian, Xiong, Zhuo and Sun, Wei “Biomimetic design and fabrication of multilayered osteochondral scaffolds by low-temperature deposition manufacturing and thermal-induced phase-separation techniques”, Biofabrication 9 (2017) 025021
[20]. Xu, Y., Wu, X., Guo, X., Kong, B., Zhang, M., Qian, X., Mi, S. and Sun, W., "The Boom in 3D-printed Sensor Technology", Sensors 2017, 17, 1166; doi:10.3390/s17051166
[21]. Zhao, L., Chang Y., Yao, R., Lin, F. and Sun, W., “Modeling on Micro-droplet Formation for Cell Printing Based on Alternating Viscous-Inertial Force Jetting”, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 2017, Vol. 139 / 011005-1 [DOI: 10.1115/1.4032768].
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[23]. Ouyang, Liliang; Yao, Rui; Zhao, Yu; Sun, Wei, “Effect of bioink properties on printability and cell viability for 3D bioplotting of embryonic stem cells" Biofabrication 2016; 8(3): 035020: doi: 10.1088/1758-5090/8/3/035020
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[27]. Ouyang, Liliang; Highley, Christopher; Rodell, Christopher; Sun, Wei; Burdick, Jason, "3D Printing of shear-thinning hyaluronic acid hydrogels with secondary crosslinking" ACS Biomaterials Science & Eng, 2016,2(10):1743-51; DOI: 10.1021/acsbiomaterials.6b00158
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[30]. Wu, Z., Su, X., Xu, Y., Kong, B., Sun, W. and Mi, S., “Bioprinting three-dimensional cell-laden tissue constructs with controllable degradation. Scientific Reports, 2016 | 6:24474 | DOI: 10.1038/srep24474
[31]. Snyder JE, Son AR, Hamid Q, Sun W. Hetero-cellular Prototyping by Synchronized Multi Material Bioprinting for Rotary Cell Culture. Biofabrication 8 (2016) 015002
[32]. Snyder, J., Son, AR., Hamid, Q. and Sun, W., “Fabrication of Microfluidic Manifold by Precision Extrusion Deposition and Replica Molding for Cell laden Device”, ASME Transaction: Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, April 2016, Vol. 138 / 041007.
[33]. Shengli Mi, Bin Kong, Zhengjie Wu, Wei Sun, Yuanyuan Xu, Xin Su. “A novel electrospinning setup for the fabrication of thickness controllable 3D scaffolds with an ordered nanofibrous structure”, Materials Letters, 2015, 160:343-346.
[34]. Snyder JE, Son AR, Hamid Q, Sun W. Mesenchymal Stem Cell Printing: “Survivability and Possible Phenotype Reprogramming”, Biofabrication 7 (2015) 044106.
[35]. Zhao, Y., Li, Y., Mao, SS, Sun, W. and Yao, R., “The influence of printing parameters on cell survival rate and printability in microextrusion-based 3D cell printing technology", Biofabrication 7 (2015) 045002.
[36]. Ouyang, L., Yao, R., Mao, SS., Chen, X., Na, J. and Sun, W., “Three-dimensional bioprinting of embryonic stem cells directs highly uniform embryoid body formation”, Biofabrication, 7 (2015) 044101.
[37]. Wang, CY, Hamid, Q., Snyder, J., Ayan, H. and Sun, W., “Localized surface functionalization of polycaprolactone with atmospheric-pressure micro-plasma jet”, Biomedical Physics and Engineering Express, (2015) 025002, doi:10.1088/2057-1976/1/2/025002
[38]. Zhao, L., Chang Y., Yao, R., Lin, F. and Sun, W., “Alternating Force Based Drop-on-demand Micro-droplet Formation and 3D Deposition”, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 2015;137(3):031009-031009-9. doi:10.1115/1.4029803.
[39]. Ouyang, L., Yao, R., Chen, X., Na, J. and Sun, W., “3D printing of HEK 293FT cell-laden hydrogel into macroporous constructs with high cell viability and normal biological functions”, Biofabrication, 7 (2015) 015010;doi:10.1088/1758-5090/7/1/015010.
[40]. Hamid, Q., Wang, C., Snyder J., Williams, S., Liu, Y. and Sun, W., “Maskless Fabrication of Cell-laden Microfluidic Chips with localized Surface Functionalization for the Co-culture of Cancer Cells”, Biofabrication, 7 (2015) 015012; doi:10.1088/1758-5090/7/1/015012
[41]. Hamid, Q., Wang, C., Zhao, Y. Snyder J. and Sun, W., “Fabrication of Biological Microfluidics using a Digital Microfabrication System”, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 136(6), 061001 (Oct 24, 2014), doi:10.1115/1.4028419
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[44]. Zhao, Y., Rui, Y., Ouyang, L., Ding, H., Zhang, T., Zhang, K., Cheng, S. and Sun, W. “Three-dimensional printing of Hela cells for cervical tumor model in vitro”, Biofabrication, 6(3), 2014, doi:10.1088/1758-5082/6/3/035001.
[45]. Wang, C., Tang, Z., Zhao Y., Yao, R., Li, L. and Sun, W., “Three-dimensional in vitro Cancer Models: A Short Review”, Biofabrication, 6(2), 2014, doi:10.1088/1758-5082/6/2/022001.
[46]. Hamid, Q., Wang, C., Zhao, Y., Snyder, J. and Sun, W., “A three-dimensional cell-laden microfluidic chip for in vitro drug metabolism detection”, Biofabrication, 6(2), 2014, doi:10.1088/1758-5082/6/2/025008.
[47]. Snyder, J., Hunger, P., Wang, CY., Hamid, Q., Wegst, U. and Sun, W., “Combined Multi-Nozzle Deposition and Freeze Casting Process to Superimpose Two Porous Networks for Hierarchical 3-Dimensional Microenvironment”, Biofabrication, 6(1), 2014, doi:10.1088/1758-5082/6/1/015007.
[48]. Zhang, T., Jin, L., Fang, Y., Lin, F., Sun, W. and Xiong, Z., “Fabrication of Biomimetic Scaffolds with Oriented Porous Morphology for Cardiac Tissue Engineering”, Journal of Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering, Vol. 4, 2014, 1–10.
[49]. Hamid, Q., Wang, C., Snyder, J., and Sun, W., “Surface modification of SU-8 for enhanced cell attachment and proliferation within microfluidic chips,” Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials, 2014, 103, 473–484, doi:10.1002/jbm.b.33223.
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[52]. Zhang, T., Ouyang, L., Chang, K., and Sun, W., “Mechanical Property Characterization of Bioprinted in vitro Soft Tissue Model”, Biofabrication, 5(4), 2013, doi:10.1088/1758-5082/5/4/045010.
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[57]. Snyder, J., Hamid, Q., Wang, W., Chang, R., Emami, K., Wu, H. and Sun, S., “Bioprinting cell-laden matrigel for radioprotection study of liver by pro-drug conversion in dual tissue microfluidic chip”, Biofabrication, 2011, Vol. 3, doi:10.1088/1758-5082/3/3/034112: 1-9. \
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